688SUB.ZIP 187,747 10-30-88 Demo of the game "688 Attack Sub", as distributed with Maxell disks. Playable. Requires EGA.
_1CRATES.ZIP 27,075 02-12-91 Crates. Tidy up the disorganized rooms on each floor of a warehouse building by moving crates into designated areas. By Mark Batchelor.
ABRMSDMO.ZIP 216,264 01-15-89 Abrams Battle Tank self running demo.
ALONEDRK.ZIP 731,726 03-06-93 Alone In The Dark. Playable demo of the graphical adventure game, using polygonal graphics for animation. Requires VGA. Support, Adlib, SoundBlaster, others.
AMDEMO1.ZIP 163,885 08-10-92 Amazon from Access Software. (1 of 6). Playable. Requires VGA, supports Adlib, SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold.
AMDEMO2.ZIP 182,380 08-10-92 Amazon from Access Software. (2 of 6). Playable. Requires VGA, supports Adlib, SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold.
AMDEMO3.ZIP 199,550 08-11-92 Amazon from Access Software. (3 of 6). Playable. Requires VGA, supports Adlib, SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold.
AMDEMO4.ZIP 196,389 08-06-92 Amazon from Access Software. (4 of 6). Playable. Requires VGA, supports Adlib, SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold.
AMDEMO5.ZIP 172,596 08-10-92 Amazon from Access Software. (5 of 6). Playable. Requires VGA, supports Adlib, SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold.
AMDEMO6.ZIP 193,087 08-05-92 Amazon from Access Software. (6 of 6). Playable. Requires VGA, supports Adlib, SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold.
ARKANIA.ZIP 414,719 01-24-93 Slide show demo of Arkania from Sir-Tech. Non-playable. VGA, supports Adlib/SB.
BC2DEM.ZIP 665,550 08-19-90 Battle Chess II. Animated pieces fight with each other.
BC3K30.ZIP 606,200 02-24-93 Playable demo of BattleCruiser:3000AD. VGA+, supports joystick, Adlib/SB (with support files - see bc3ktxt.zip)
BC3KA1.ZIP 1,077,856 02-22-93 Animation (1/2) files for BattleCruiser:3000AD. See bc3ktxt.zip.
BC3KA2.ZIP 1,029,796 02-22-93 Animation (2/2) files for BattleCruiser:3000AD. See bc3ktxt.zip.
BC3KA3.ZIP 2,622,568 02-22-93 Standalone introduction animation for BattleCruiser:3000AD. See bc3ktxt.zip.
BC3KAD.ZIP 594,653 02-22-93 Adlib Music/FX support files for BattleCruiser:3000AD. See bc3ktxt.zip.
BC3KSB.ZIP 621,091 02-22-93 SoundBlaster Music/FX support files for BattleCruiser:3000AD. See bc3ktxt.zip.
BC3KTXT.ZIP 3,059 04-15-93 File descriptions/explanation of BattelCruiser:3000AD.
CARMEN.ZIP 86,988 02-29-88 Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? Graphic learning adventure. By Bruderbund Software, Inc.
CASTLES2.ZIP 402,700 12-01-92 Castles II: Siege and Conquest. Playable demo. Requires VGA. Supports Roland sound only.
CIVDEM.ZIP 336,023 09-25-91 Demo of the game "Civilisation". Non-playable Req: ? Sup: ?
DARKSUN.ZIP 1,467,370 10-24-92 Dark Sun from SSI. Non-playable demo. Adlib/SB sound.
DGENDEMO.ZIP 242,441 11-21-91 Demo of the game "D/Generation". Playable first level. Req: VGA Sup: Adlib/SB, joystick
ECODEM.ZIP 780,043 06-04-92 EcoQuest I. EcoQuest is Sierra On-Line's new enviromental game. By Sierra.
EGAGOLF.ZIP 59,275 07-08-93 CaddieHack. VGA golf game. By Micode Developments.
EOB2DEMO.EXE1,105,958 05-10-93 Self-extracting AutoAnimator demo of "Eye of the Beholder II". Extract to a floppy. Non-Playable Req: ? Sup: ?
F117DEMO.ZIP1,029,346 07-30-92 MicroProse F117A Stealth Fighter Demo. Playable with two possible missions. Supports Adlib/SB, joystick. Requires VGA.
F15III.ZIP 202,147 08-12-92 F-15 Strike Eagle III. Slide show demo of F-15SEIII graphics. Non-playable.
FALCON3.ZIP 591,947 07-02-91 Demo of the game "Falcon 3.0". Playable. Req: 286-8, 640k (560k free), VGA Sup: Adlib/SB, Joystick
FATAL.ZIP 151,768 01-30-92 Demo of Fatal Challenge, a Street Fighter clone. Non-playable. Req: Sup: Adlib/SB
FATEDEMO.ZIP 777,895 04-23-92 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. Playable version. requires 286+, VGA, 520k free. Supports Roland and Adlib/SB sound.
GM21DEMO.ZIP 76,477 04-10-91 Guitar Master Demo. Combines the powerful features of a sequencer with the flexibility of MIDI to create a comprehensive guitar exploration and learning environment. Guitar Master is to the guitarist what the word processor has been to the writer. By Spartan Software Systems.
GOB2_PRV.ZIP 546,649 10-20-92 Goblins 2. Playable demo of the graphical adventure. Requires VGA, supports Adlib/SB.
IBMDEM.ZIP 38,077 09-20-91 Delta Drawing Today. View some of our sample pictures and to create your own masterpieces. A great way for children to enjoy Playing, Thinking, & Learning! By Power Industries.
KQ1DEMO.ZIP 393,207 09-19-90 Demo of the VGA version of "King's Quest I". Compares old and new graphics. Non-playable. Req: VGA Sup: Adlib/SB
KQ6DEMO1.EXE1,123,945 05-10-93 Demo (1/4) of King's Quest VI from Sierra. Non-playable. VGA. Supports most sound systems. Requires 386/16+ and 13.2Mb disk.
KQ6DEMO2.EXE1,147,816 05-10-93 Demo (2/4) of King's Quest VI from Sierra. Non-playable. VGA. Supports most sound systems. Requires 386/16+ and 13.2Mb disk.
KQ6DEMO3.EXE1,150,544 05-10-93 Demo (3/4) of King's Quest VI from Sierra. Non-playable. VGA. Supports most sound systems. Requires 386/16+ and 13.2Mb disk.
KQ6DEMO4.EXE 283,881 05-10-93 Demo (4/4) of King's Quest VI from Sierra. Non-playable. VGA. Supports most sound systems. Requires 386/16+ and 13.2Mb disk.
KYRANDIA.EXE 490,837 05-10-93 Legend of Kyrandia. Non-playable demo of the graphical adventure from Westwood Studios. VGA required...sound boards supported.
LAKROZ.ZIP 78,448 02-27-90 Lost adventures of Kroz, vol. 7, v. 1.1. Demo version with delay screen. By Apogee.
LB2DEMO.EXE 871,704 05-10-93 Non-playable narrative demo for Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra from Sierra. VGA, Adlib/SB. Self-extracting.
LSL1DEMO.ZIP 473,192 05-21-91 Demo of the VGA version of "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards". Compares old and new graphics. Non-playable. Req: VGA Sup: Adlib/SB, MT-32, CMS
LSL5DEMO.ZIP 660,613 07-27-91 Demo of "Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work". Non-playable. Req: VGA Sup: Adlib/SB, MT-32, CMS, Tandy
MARMEMO.ZIP 1,011,244 07-28-91 Martian Memorandum. Adventure game. By Access Software.
MPDEMO.ZIP 244,901 11-07-92 Magic Pockets. Playable demo. Requires VGA. Supports most sound systems. Contains subdirectories...use -d option to unpack.
MTII.ZIP 382,132 01-30-91 Demo of the game "MegaTraveller II - Quest for the Ancients". Non-playable. Req: ? Sup: ?
SUBATTLE.ZIP 95,798 02-03-87 Sub Battle Simulator. Your game will last until you are sunk, return to Pearl Harbor, or 5 minutes. Good luck! By Epyx. Your mission is to practice tactics against this simulated convoy. Your objective is to damage as many ships as possible without being damaged by the escorts. Return to Pearl Harbor (158 degrees West, 22 degrees North) when finished for your mission rating.
TIMDEMO.EXE 332,561 05-10-93 The Incredible Machine from Sierra. Solve puzzles by creating a machine with bowling balls, basketballs, monkeys, mice, pulleys, etc. Requires VGA. Supports most sound boards, no PC speaker support. Playable. Self-extracting.
U7_DEMO.ZIP 1,123,378 06-18-91 Demo of the game "Ultima 7". Non-playable. Req: VGA Sup: SoundBlaster
UW_DEMO.EXE 1,195,767 05-10-93 Playable demo for Ultima Underworld. VGA, Adlib/SB.
VEIL.ZIP 898,925 11-04-92 Non-playable demo of Veil of Darkness, a graphical adventure from SSI and Event Horizons. VGA required, supports SB.
VIRTUAL.ZIP 100,742 04-04-91 Superscape, v. 1.1. This software is a demonstration of Superscape Virtual Reality software specifically produced for PC compatible VGA systems. By Dimension International.
WC2A.ZIP 956,241 08-11-91 Demo (1/2) of the game "Wing Commander II - Vengeance of the Kilrathi". Non-playable. Req: 386-25, 1Mb EMS, 585k free, VGA, SoundBlaster Sup: MT-32
WC2B.ZIP 1,112,456 08-11-91 Demo (2/2) of the game "Wing Commander II - Vengeance of the Kilrathi". Non-playable. Req: 386-25, 1Mb EMS, 585k free, VGA, SoundBlaster Sup: MT-32
WILLYBEM.ZIP 841,297 08-02-91 Demo of the game "Willy Beamish". Non-playable. Req: ? Sup: ?
WORLD.ZIP 531,072 01-28-92 Out Of This World. Really neat intro...supports EGA/VGA, SoundBlaster, Adlib. Playable.
XEEN1.ZIP 1,428,352 07-06-92 Might & Magic: Clouds of Xeen. (1/2) Non-playable demo. Requires VGA, supports various sound boards.
XEEN2.ZIP 1,416,960 08-07-92 Might & Magic: Clouds of Xeen. (2/2) Non-playable demo. Requires VGA, supports various sound boards.
XMASLEM.ZIP 224,756 12-06-91 Demo of the Christmas version of "Lemmings". Playable. Req: EGA, VGA Sup: Adlib/SB, Tandy